Welcome to Accentuate!

An online global community of immigrants and refugees confident in their identity, proud to tell their stories and empowered to better navigate and succeed in the workplace.

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Tell Your Story

  • Our conversation will be written as an appealing story for our readers.

  • The recorded conversation may be used on Accentuate! Podcast.

  • You must be an immigrant or refugee and an Accentuate! member.

    An immigrant is a person who left the country of their birth and currently resides in another country for the purpose of education or work or as a permanent residence or naturalized citizen.

    Refugees are persons who flee or are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.

  • Free

Hogan Assessments & Coaching

  • Determining what direction your unconscious values are pointing toward will help you navigate workplace interactions and get your bearings so your careers can go full speed ahead. Career motivations, decision-making styles, and preferred working environments are all driven by values. Values often linger in the unconscious mind, making them difficult to identify without the right tools. Compass provides clarification on individual values and the occupational preferences associated with them. Using this report, you will be able to identify the organizational cultures with which you will be most engaged to advance your career.

  • Early career advice that identifies strengths, shortcomings, and behaviors in a diverse range of job categories and circumstances. This assessment also provides development tips for career management. Powered by the Hogan Personality Inventory, Career evaluates seven key dimensions of personality that influence occupational success to help employees develop strategic self-awareness. With detailed recommendations for performance improvement, this report is a valuable tool for employees seeking to lay a foundation for long-term engagement and success.

  • Helps high performers identify their most prominent leadership style based on key personality characteristics. Leader Focus helps high performers, new leaders, and managers understand their personal leadership brand and identify which leadership opportunities align with their competencies. Participants will also gain insight on how they can adapt their workplace approach to capitalize on their strengths. No matter what type of leaders they are, all participants will improve their ability to inspire followership, boost morale, and promote productivity in their organizations.

  • Designed to provide in-depth feedback on strengths and weaknesses for middle managers who are on the ground and need to bridge the gap between management and staff while delivering results and reducing turnover. Hogan’s personality solutions have helped organizations find and develop C-suite talent for decades. The Insight Series applies that scientific rigor to assessing middle managers. This series provides a comprehensive yet concise overview of individual strengths, performance risks, and core values to help emerging and midlevel managers develop strategic self-awareness

  • Everyone is welcomed; immigrants and refugees are strongly encouraged to register. You must be an Accentuate! member.

    An immigrant is a person who left the country of their birth and currently resides in another country for the purpose of education, work or as a permanent residence or naturalized citizen.

    Refugees are persons who flee or are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.

  • Prices range from $1500 to $3000 for 3-6 months of 1:1 coaching.

CQ Assessments & Coaching

  • A comprehensive and enlightening analysis of your cultural values and how they compare to others’ values. The Cultural Values Profile provides you with a core understanding of your cultural values preferences and how those influence your approach to life and work. Personalized feedback report will outline your cultural value preferences and how these relate to different clusters of people globally and will provide you with tips for working and relating to those whose values differ.

    The Cultural Values Profile provides mapping of a person’s preferences on 10 cultural values:

    Individualism vs. Collectivism

    Low vs. High Power Distance

    Low vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance

    Cooperative vs. Competitive

    Short Term vs. Long Term

    Direct vs. Indirect

    Being vs. Doing

    Universalism vs. Particularism

    Non-Expressive vs. Expressive

    Linear vs. Non-Linear

  • This tool is designed to assess the four factors and 13 sub dimensions of CQ as well as individual cultural value orientations. Personalized feedback reports compare CQ scores with the worldwide norms, provide personal preferences on each of the 10 cultural values and include a personalized developmental plan.

  • Everyone is welcomed; immigrants and refugees are strongly encouraged to register. You must be an Accentuate! member.

    An immigrant is a person who left the country of their birth and currently resides in another country for the purpose of education or work or as a permanent residence or naturalized citizen.

    Refugees are persons who flee or are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.

  • Prices range from $1500 to $3000 for 3-6 months of 1:1 coaching.

Accentuate! Services

Schedule an Intake Session

It all begins with a conversation. A conversation to learn more about you and determine the next best steps for you. Maybe you want to tell your story or you’re not sure which coaching program is right for you. Whatever it is, this is the first step in the right direction towards community and personal and professional development.

Get Started